Please find English version of the details after Japanese text below.
目的 |
写真を通じてロータリー米山記念奨学事業の魅力を広く楽しく伝えること |
募集テーマ |
・国内/海外の米山学友会の活動写真 |
応募資格 |
米山奨学生/米山学友/ロータリークラブ会員 |
応募締切 |
2015年5月15日(金) |
応募規定 |
- ファイルは、JPEG形式で1ファイル10MB以内。
- 一人5点まで応募できます。
- 過去5年以内に応募者が撮影した、未発表の作品に限ります(他の写真コンテスト受賞作品など、応募者以外に使用権が発生している作品は応募できません)。
- 人物が2人以上で、米山奨学生(学友)が必ず含まれている写真をご応募ください。
- 合成など著しい加工を施した写真や撮影会等の演出された写真はご遠慮ください。
- 応募作品の著作権は作者にありますが、使用権は公益財団法人ロータリー米山記念奨学会(以下当会とする)が有し、当会発行の印刷物やホームページ、公式フェイスブックページなどで多目的に使用することがあります。
- 応募作品に人物が含まれている場合、その肖像権については応募者が被写体本人の承諾および上記事項への使用許可を得てください。
- 作品の内容が以下に相当すると主催者が判断した場合には、主催者は何ら通知などを行なわずに、審査の対象外とすることができるものとします。
(4)第三者を誹謗中傷、またプライバシーを侵害するもの。 また、その恐れのあるもの
*応募作品は原則として返却しません |
表彰 |
- 最優秀賞「米山賞」(1名) 図書カード2万円(海外在住者は相当額)
- 優秀賞(3名) 図書カード1万円(海外在住者は相当額)
- 佳作(5名) 図書カード5千円(海外在住者は相当額)
応募方法 |
- 応募作品の受付はデータ応募(デジタル応募)にて行います。
- 1作品ごとに、タイトル・撮影場所・撮影時の簡単な説明をつけ、下記アドレスまでご応募ください。
- 奨学生・学友の場合、メールに「氏名・電話番号・出身国・世話クラブ名」を書いてください。ロータリアンの場合、メールに「氏名・電話番号・所属クラブ名」をお書きください。
- 応募先
入賞発表 |
2015年6月19日HP上で発表 |
問い合わせ先 |
公益財団法人ロータリー米山記念奨学会 事務局
広報担当:峯(みね)、野津(のづ) |
1st Yoneyama Photo Contest
We are pleased to announce that the Yoneyama Photo Contest will be held for the first time in our Foundation’s history. All winning entries will be posted on the Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation website, Facebook page, posters and brochures. We are looking forward to your entries that convey the attractions of the “Rotary Yoneyama Scholarship” project.
Purpose |
This photo contest is aimed at conveying the attractions of the “Rotary Yoneyama Scholarship” to Rotarians and the public. |
Theme of the photographs |
The harmonies and relationships created between the Yoneyama Scholars/Alumni and Rotarians.Ex.)
- Pictures with the Yoneyama scholars/alumni enjoying the events of their host Rotary clubs/districts.
- Pictures with the Yoneyama scholars/alumni participating in the service activities of Rotary clubs/districts.
- Pictures with the Yoneyama scholars/alumni enjoying Japanese culture.
- Pictures of the event held by Yoneyama Alumni Associations in Japan or overseas.
Eligibility |
This contest is open to Yoneyama scholars/alumni and Rotarians only. |
Deadline of Submission |
Friday, May 15, 2015 |
Rules and Regulations |
- We accept only digital data in the JPEG format. Each image should be under 10MB.
*High-quality scans of non-digital photographs are acceptable.
- One contestant is allowed to submit up to 5 photos.
- Photographs will only be accepted from the original photographer. They should have been taken in the last 5 years and unpublished(*).
(*)In case the photos have already awarded by other photo contests or someone other than yourself has the right to use them, they are unacceptable.
- Photographs must be showing more than 2 people including at least one Yoneyama scholar/alumni.
- Composite photographs or pictures with dramatic interpretation are unacceptable.
- By submitting your photos to the contest, you give Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation the right to use the images in its brochures, website and Facebook page.
- You must have sufficient permission from all subjects in the photo(s).
- Photos with inappropriate content will not be considered.
(1)Photographs that do not follow the rules and regulations
(2)Photographs that are offensive to public order and morals
(3)Photographs which may infringe on the copyright, right of portrait or any other rights of the third party
(4)Photographs with a possibility of defamation or infringement on privacy of the third party
(5)Photographs which we have defined as defeating the purpose of this contest
*All information provided will be treated as private and confidential. Please be assured it will be used only for this contest.
*Photos submitted to the contest will not be returned. |
Prizes |
- The highest award, the “Yoneyama Award”, will be given to the best entry with a \20,000 Tosho Card (or the reasonable remuneration to overseas residents).
- The award of excellence will be given to three entries with a \10,000 Tosho Card for each recipient (or the reasonable remuneration to overseas residents).
- Honorable mentions will be given to five entries with a \5,000 Tosho card for each recipient (or the reasonable remuneration to overseas residents).
How to Enter |
- Please attach the JPEG to the email. Each photograph should have a title with information of where it was taken and brief explanation of the photo.
- If you are a Yoneyama scholar or alumni, please include your name, phone number, the country where you are from and the name of your Sewa club in the e-mail.
- E-mail Address:
Announcement |
The winners will be announced on our website on June 19, 2015. |
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to email us at: |
Person in charge: Junko MINE, Miyuki NOZU
Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation |