
List of Yoneyama alumni association

Alumni Associations in Japan (33 organizations) *as of July 1, 2024

Name Coverage Area
Hokkaido Hokkaido
2520 Iwate / Miyagi
2530 Fukushima
2540 Akita
2550 Tochigi
2560 Niigata
2790 Chiba
2800 Yamagata
2820 Ibaragi
2830 Aomori
2840 Gunma
2570 Northwest Saitama
Tokyo Tokyo
2750 Tokyo
2590 Kanagawa (Kawasaki / Yokohama)
2600 Nagano
2610 Toyama / Ishikawa
2770 Southeast Saitama
2780 Kanagawa (except Kawasaki / Yokohama)
2620 Yamanashi / Shizuoka
2630 Gifu / Mie
2640 Wakayama / South Osaka
2650 Kyoto / Fukui / Shiga / Nara
Kansai Norh Osaka
2680 Hyogo
2690 Tottori / Shimane / Okayama
2760 Aichi
2670 Tokushima / Kagawa / Ehime / Kochi
2710 Hiroshima / Yamaguchi
Kyushu Fukuoka / Saga / Nagasaki
2720 Oita / Kumamoto
2730 Miyazaki / Kagoshima
2740 Nagasaki / Saga

Alumni Associations overseas (10 organizations)    *as of July 1, 2024

Name Coverage Area
Korea Throughout the country
Taiwan Throughout the region
(3 branches around Taiwan)
China Throughout the country
(2 branches in Beijing and Shanghai)
Thailand Throughout the country
Nepal Throughout the country
Mongolia Throughout the country
Sri Lanka Throughout the country
Malaysia Throughout the country
Myanmar Throughout the country
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh